CoLT Licensing Information Thanks for trying out the CoLT extension for Firefox. By using this extension, you agree to be bound by the following terms and conditions. 1. Non-Commercial Use Only CoLT is a freely available extension for the Firefox web browser, and is available for your non-commercial use only. You may not, under any circumstances, sell CoLT or any works derived from it (with some exception; see the source code usage section below for further detail). 2. Source Code Usage The source code to CoLT is freely available, and may be used as an example of Firefox extension development. Source code reuse is allowed, provided that: a. The extension GUID used by CoLT is not used in your custom extension. b. Function names are stripped of the "CLT_" prefix (used to uniquely identify CoLT's JavaScript functions). c. Global variable names are stripped of the "CLT_" prefix. d. The name "CoLT" is not used. Should you wish to sell a Firefox extension that is based on CoLT's source code, you must first obtain approval from the author, Jonah Bishop. You may reach the extension author through this contact form on the web: Citing CoLT as a source for your extension's source code is encouraged, but is not required. 3. Disclaimer The author of CoLT, Jonah Bishop, is not responsible for any harm resulting from your use of CoLT. This extension is provided "as is" without any warranties whatsoever. By using CoLT you are responsible for any data loss or damages to your computer.